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01 — Why should a business partner and engage with SOMMA instead of hiring a marketing employee in house?

Opting for SOMMA to look after your marketing requirements over hiring an in-house marketer often proves more efficient due to the complex and multifaceted nature of digital marketing. With digital marketing encompassing over 10 distinct specialisations, as identified by LinkedIn, the breadth of expertise required is vast. SOMMA provides access to a team of experts across all marketing disciplines for a similar or even lower investment when considering the additional costs of benefits, tools, and training required for an in-house team. Working with SOMMA over an in-house team also protects your digital marketing IP as you don't need to worry about loosing your IP should that employee leave you. This makes partnering with SOMMA a cost-effective solution, offering businesses scalability, flexibility, and the latest marketing innovations without the overhead of managing multiple specialised employees.

02 — Why should a business invest in digital marketing in today's market?

Investing in digital marketing is imperative for businesses today; It directly correlates with where consumers spend their time and make purchasing decisions. Statistics highlight the effectiveness of digital marketing: internet users now account for over 4.6 billion people globally, with ecommerce sales expected to hit $4.9 (USD) trillion in 2021, a figure projected to grow to over $6.5 (USD) trillion by 2023 (Source: Statista). Additionally, digital marketing efforts, particularly through social media, can lead to engagement rates that surpass traditional marketing by up to 8 times, significantly enhancing brand awareness and customer loyalty (Source: Social Media Today). Moreover, businesses utilizing digital marketing strategies enjoy a cost per lead up to 61% lower than those relying on traditional advertising (Source: HubSpot).

03 — Why is investing in a comprehensive marketing strategy with SOMMA a cost-effective choice for businesses looking to maximise their marketing ROI?

Investing in a comprehensive marketing strategy with SOMMA is proven to be cost-effective, with businesses experiencing a higher ROI, including a 61% lower cost per lead through inbound strategies and a 2.8 times increase in conversion rates. Such strategic efforts lead to 3.5 times more revenue growth, as reported by Deloitte. Outsourcing to SOMMA offers access to a diverse team of experts and advanced technologies without the significant costs of hiring an in-house team or purchasing expensive software. Moreover, 72% of SMEs credit their agility and success to adopting digital marketing strategies, highlighting the value of SOMMA's adaptable and scalable solutions in maximizing marketing budgets and driving substantial business growth.

04 — How does SOMMA handle confidentiality and data protection?

Client confidentiality and data protection are paramount at SOMMA. We adhere to stringent protocols and compliance regulations to secure your information, including confidentiality clauses in our agreements and ensuring all data handling complies with industry best practices and legal standards.